W.E.L.K.S. Championship Show 2016 Critique
Thank you for a very nice entry. This was the first time I awarded CCs in the breed in the UK. Temperament was excellent throughout the entry, bar a few young ones who need a little more confidence and training. There was ample variation in type and proportions. I had a few which were almost square and some which were excessively long. There is room for improvement in toplines, many were too flat. I was surprised to find so many dogs with upright pasterns. My main winners pleased me very much and my Puppy Dog and Minor Puppy Bitch winners are exciting prospects for the future.
MPD (4,2) 1 Luckhurst Paisley, seven month old dog puppy built on correct lines, but in need of little more self-confidence. Good length of body. Pleasing head shape, medium brown eye. Good bone and feet. Enough shoulder angulation, fair topline. At the moment needs to strengthen in rear. 2 Cotherstone Cod Breaker, almost seven month old dog puppy with a very nice head, beautiful eye and expression. Needs to improve in front both standing and moving. Topline a little flat. Enough rear angulation. Good coat.
PD (1) 1 Rubeus Hagrid to Kilbourne NAF, 10 month old lovely puppy. Masculine, beautiful and well balanced. Calm disposition. Very good head shape, medium brown eye. Good strong neck. Has the correct length and is very well put together. Very good bone. Excellent rear and muscle tone. Correct feet. Moves extremely well for one so young, correct both coming and going and has the desired springy gait. Quality puppy who fully deserved to win the RCC. I will watch his career with interest.
JD (1) 1 Kilbourne Max, also a nice youngster from the same kennel. 14 month old masculine young dog with confident attitude. Has the desired length in body. Would like slightly better topline. Masculine head of very good shape. Well laid shoulder, good bone and feet. Also shown in excellent muscle tone. Enough extension in front, moves very well behind. Correct coat quality.
PGD (4,1) This was a difficult class to judge. 1 Cotherstone the Barrister at Sorimsway, 3,5 year old dog with the best size and outline in this class. Head of good shape and length, but would like slightly darker eye. Reasonable bone. Good body. Would like a stronger rear, but having said that he moved out well and was the one with the most typical movement in this class. 2 Beardswood Strahan at Peopleton, two year old male who is a little too long cast. Would like stronger and better topline. Good head, needs better ears. Would like better front.
LD (7,4) 1 Luckhurst Nairn, approaching four years of age. Masculine male. I very much liked his type. Shown in excellent condition. Lovely head, medium brown eye, pleasing expression. Good ears. Nice bone. A little upright in pastern. Very good body and topline. His movement is that of a Deerhound with the correct springy gait. Would like to see better tail. Having said that this was the dog who in my opinion fitted the standard best amongst the male entry. CC, which I understand is his first; well done. 2 Finlas at Claonaiglen, about two and half year old, strong male, but his topline is too flat. Correct head shape and length, good ears. Stands and moves a little wide in front. Good length of body and nice rear. Sound mover, but a little wide in front.
OD (4,1) 1 Ch. Kwaricott Corelli, five and half year old, strong, masculine male. Very nice head, medium brown eye. Strong neck and very good bone. Good body. Needs better topline. Moves well. Very good quality coat. 2 Beardswood Ripley for Calbraidh, approaching four years of age, masculine male. Good length of body. Very good bone and feet. Nicely angulated rear and moves well. Needs better tail.
MPB (2) 1 Blixten Star to Kilbourne (Imp FIN), eight month old lovely quality bitch puppy. Has type, correct outline and very nice balance for age. Beautiful feminine head and lovely dark eye giving excellent expression. Has so many good points: excellent bone, correct length of body and lovely topline. Excellent mover for one so young. It was a hard decision to choose Best Puppy, but she had so much feminine appeal over her understandably more gangly male kennel mate that I made her Best Puppy. It gave me quite a surprise to be told once judging was over that she hails from my native Finland from an AI litter. So pleased that her breeder has sent a puppy of this caliber over to the U.K. 2 Wolfscastle Miranda, eight month old puppy a little overshadowed by 1st. Would like to see better bone. Head needs to break more, pleasing dark eye giving good expression. Rather upright in pastern. Needs more time for development.
PB (1) 1 Celticmoon Silvern Shadow, a rather unruly young lass, who needs more training. Feminine with a very nice outline. Good head, medium brown eye. Needs better shoulders. Good length of body, but topline a little flat. Good rear angulation. Gave her handler a tough time on the move and needs training. Excellent muscle tone.
JB (4,1) 1 Neroche Jeska, 16 month old young bitch who I liked very much indeed. Feminine and beautiful. Lovely head. Good bone, has the correct pastern. Good length of body and pleasing topline. Strong rear with good angulation. Good mover, just needs to tighten a little in front movement, but has good reach and drive and very breed specific movement. Pleased to award her the res. CC. Interesting to note that she is sired by my CC winner. 2 Claonaiglen Collusca, 18 month old feminine bitch. Good head shape, but would like a little more strength. Could do with a stronger neck. Enough shoulder angulation. Good length of body. A little upright in pastern. Good side movement, but needs better front movement. Appeared a little reluctant on the move.
PGB (9,4) 1 Shagiead Aunty Hetty for Lordswell, two and half year old, tall, strong bitch with correct outline. Good length of head. Bone to match her size. Very good topline and rear angulation. A little upright in pastern. Moves with lithe action. Not in her best jacket. 2 Greyflax Ruby Tuesday, 22 month old young bitch of lovely type and outline. Beautiful head. Would like to see better front angulation and still a little narrow in front. Good length of body and pleasing topline. Strong rear. Moves well in profile.
LB (9,4) 1 Greyflax Teenspirit, just two year old, tall very pleasing young bitch of lovely type. Excels in head and has beautiful dark eyes. Still young and needs to body up a little more. Excellent outline and good length of body. Moves with good reach and drive. 2 Beardswood Rhymi, almost four, tall bitch with very nice head. Good length of body and has pleasing outline. Medium shoulder angulation and adequate rear angulation. Moves well. Not in her best jacket.
OB (5,1) 1 Hyndsight a Girl Like You, four year old, strong bitch of correct type. Feminine, quality head and lovely expression. Good bone. A little upright in pastern. Strong body which ideally could have just a tad more length. Correct topline. Very good coat quality. Moves very typically, soundly and well. CC, Best of Breed and shortlisted in the Group. 2 Beardswood Quintessence, five year old feminine bitch of lovely type. Excellent outline. Very nice head, although muzzle could have a little more length. Good length of body. Nicely angulated rear. Easy, lithe mover.
GCB (3) 1 Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan, six year old strong bitch, good outline, but rather narrow in front. Good body. Pleasing side movement. 2 Ardlancien Elona, three and half year old bitch shown in chubby condition which spoilt her outline a little. Coat not in ideal show condition.